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Instagrammer project: be bold with PlastiKote spray paint colours

We tend to stick to using colours that we know and that are ‘safe’. However, that might all be changing since we found @patirobins on Instagram! Pati’s bold use of colour against dark backdrops has inspired us to experiment. Here’s what Pati has to say about her style:

“I am a Polish maximalist and serial eBayer, living in UK for past 12 years. I love colours and changing things around but sadly budget does not always match to what I want to achieve.


Copy of @patirobins T&S Orange Frame


Over the years I have managed to source some beautiful secondhand  accessories and furniture from places like ebay , gumtree , charity shops, freebie sites and from family and friends. I always look beyond the colour of the item I find as this can easily be changed with PlastiKote spray paint.  I have always used this brand, I swear by it . It is also a great way to renew your existing pieces without spending much as well saving them from going into landfill. You can spray just about anything. My mirror in the hallway over the years has been painted all the colours of the rainbow – it breathed a new lease of life into something I had fallen out of love with.


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Colour can transform any space  – and if you want to add pops of colour, you can spray anything from lampshades ( providing you use led light bulbs that don’t get hot) to candlestick holders. Pop a few coloured pieces here and there and watch the space come alive. When you get bored, grab another can of PlastiKote and get spraying!


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If you want a fuss-free furniture upcycle project, you can use a standard PlastiKote spray or one of their new Chalk range – which gives that perfect chalky finish in a flash! The same goes to your appliances –  rather than trying to achieve a professional streak-free finish with a brush (that you know is impossible), you could use a special  appliance  spray paint   I have used it in the past and loved the result.”

I think we can safely say, Pati is a fan! And we’re a fan of hers, inspiring us to be brave with colour! Pati can be found on Instagram @patirobins or on the website,, where the aim is ‘to squeeze more style into small spaces’.

For more information on PlastiKote spray paint visit our website.

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