Month: May 2018

How to: create beautiful wedding decorations with PlastiKote spray paint
Whether you’re on a budget or not, it’s lovely to add a personal touch to a wedding. With PlastiKote spray paint and some tin cans and bottles, you can create some pretty table decorations for your special day.
You will need:
Tin cans and bottles
PlastiKote Metallic spray paint
PlastiKote Twist & Spray Colour
How to:
- Make sure the cans and bottles are clean and dry.
- In a well-ventilated room or preferably outside, use newspaper or dustsheets to mask the area where you are spray painting.
- Apply a couple of fine layers of your chosen spray paint, following instructions on the can. We used Metallic Gold, Metallic Copper and Twist & Spray Colour in White Satin.
- Allow to thoroughly dry. Fill with your chosen flowers and arrange, in groups or individually, they look stunning!
Here are a couple more ideas on upcycling glass jars using stencils, perfect for decorating a wedding table:

For more ideas, check out our Wedding Inspiration board on Pinterest.

Competition: win a £50 Ikea gift card with PlastiKote spray paint
Win a £50 gift card from Ikea with PlastiKote spray paint in our June competition!
We love colour at PlastiKote. Our Twist & Spray paint comes in over 40 different colours and finishes (with a few new ones coming soon!) along with several other ranges that have their own colourful palettes. Below are three different shades of blue from three different PlastiKote ranges. Tell us which is your favourite and you could win a £50 Ikea gift card. The winner will be chosen at random from all entries.
To enter this month’s competition, just email us your favourite blue – A Royal Blue (Twist & Spray Colour), B Sky Blue (Fast Dry Enamel) or C Frost Blue (Chalk) together with your name, address and phone number to and put JUNE COMP as the subject. We’ll pick one lucky winner at random after the closing date of 30th June. Good luck!
We run a competition every month and entrants’ email addresses are added to our database to receive our monthly newsletter. If you wish to enter our competition but do not want to receive the monthly newsletter, please state NO MARKETING in your email.
Thank you to everyone for entering our May competition. Our congratulations to Karen Walker from Oxfordshire who chose the bee as her favourite tin can bug and will receive a £50 Hobbycraft gift card.
For the terms and conditions of our June competition, click here.
Want to know more about PlastiKote spray paint? Visit our website here for more information and lots of inspirational project ideas!

Mini makes for Father’s Day with PlastiKote spray paint
Stuck for something to give Dad on Father’s Day? Here are a quick and easy projects with PlastiKote spray paint. Small projects are a great way of using up leftover spray paint and if you can recycle something you already have, then all the better!
Does his shed need a bit of a tidy up? Use Chalkboard spray paint to create a band around a jam jar that he can label and re-label over the years. We sprayed the lids with some leftover Twist & Spray Colour in Real Red. Wrap them up with a couple of sticks of chalk and they’ll make a lovely gift.
Recycle an old frame or charity shop find. Pick a colour and finish from one of our colour and effects ranges – Twist & Spray, Fast Dry Enamel, Hydro, Metallic or Chalk. Pop in a photo of you and he’ll be delighted! We sprayed a maché frame from Hobbycraft with Twist & Spray in April Green Gloss and decorated it with washi tape.
Why not make a fun sign for his shed or den? All you need is a cheap wooden plaque (or wood off-cut from his shed!) and some children’s wooden letters. Spray paint in your chosen colours and assemble using a hot glue gun. Attach a hook or wire to hang it with and you have a clever little sign. You could even do a ‘Keep Out’ or ‘Quiet please’ sign!

Reader project: metallic table upcycle with PlastiKote spray paint
Who doesn’t love finding a bargain in a charity shop and knowing you can transform it into that perfect piece for your home?
Instagrammer Hayley loves upcycling and crafting – and colour! Her feed is awash with colour but we love this upcycled table. Read on to find out a little bit more about Hayley and how she transformed her table:
“I’m a 37 year old mum of two children who likes to upcycle unloved items as a hobby for my own home interior. I find items at the charity shop, car boot sales and even at the local tip. I’m a big believer of recycling old items rather than buying new and with a little bit of care and creative ideas any item can be made lovely again.
This little table was a £3 charity shop buy. I used Plastikote Metallic copper spray.
I also used it on some cheap terracotta plant pots as well.”
We think this is a stunning makeover. If you want to see more of Hayley’s project, visit her Instagram page here.
For more information on PlastiKote spray paint visit our website.

How to: NEW Garden colours from PlastiKote spray paint
Colourful Garden Pots
Introducing NEW Garden colours from PlastiKote spray paint. Available in 10 gorgeous matt colours, it can be used on wood, metal, plastic, stone and wicker, making it ideal for outdoor craft projects as well as furniture, planters and garden ornaments. With a water-based formulation and 90% less solvents, PlastiKote Garden paint is kinder to the home – and to the environment.
This month’s ‘how to’ is a quick and easy project to recycle those plastic pots that nursery plants come in – so much better than adding to landfill.
You will need:
Plastic pots
Dust sheets/newspaper or a garden cane
PlastiKote Garden spray paint
How to:
- Make sure the pot is clean and dry.
- Spread newspaper/dust sheets out in a well-ventilated working area or preferably outside. Or you could use our top tip of popping the pot to be sprayed on a garden cane stuck in the ground.
- Apply a couple of fine layers of Garden spray paint in the colour of your choice, following instructions on the can.
- Allow to thoroughly dry before potting up and displaying in your garden.
For more ideas, check out our Garden Pinterest page.

Competition: win a £50 Hobbycraft gift card with PlastiKote spray paint
Win a £50 gift card from Hobbycraft with PlastiKote spray paint in our May competition!
With the warmer days of Spring comes the planting up of our veggie plot. We use these cute tin can bugs to keep the birds at bay and give our seedlings a chance to flourish. Bee, dragonfly or ladybird? Tell us which is your favourite and you could win a £50 Hobbycraft gift card. The winner will be chosen at random from all entries.
To enter this month’s competition, just email us the name of your favourite tin can bug – Bee, Dragonfly or Ladybird – together with your name, address and phone number to and put MAY COMP as the subject. We’ll pick one lucky winner at random after the closing date of 31st May. Good luck!
We run a competition every month, so do sign up to our newsletter to make sure you are in with a chance to win.
Thank you to everyone for entering our April competition. Our congratulations to Amanda Brett from West Yorkshire who chose Rose Gold as her favourite Metallic finish.
For the terms and conditions of our May competition, click here.
Want to know more about PlastiKote spray paint? Visit our website here for more information and lots of inspirational project ideas!

Instagrammer project: experimenting with PlastiKote spray paint
We love finding different uses for PlastiKote spray paint but have never come across a different way of applying it. It’s a spray paint, right? Well, not always. Instagrammer Cara made these fabulous coaster from concrete and spray paint to decorate them – but not by spraying them!

To get the splash effect, she sprayed a small amount of spray paint on to her gloved hand (a disposable plastic glove) and flicked the paint over the coaster. it’s created this random pattern and we love it!

A fan of spray paint, Cara has used it in several of her tutorials. These glass jar tealight holders particularly caught our eye – so pretty.

Cara works professionally in the Art Department for film and TV. In her spare time, she is the sole creator at ‘cynchmakes’ where she loves to create DIY ideas and tutorials to share online. Find her YouTube tutorials here @cynchmakes.
For more information on PlastiKote spray paint visit our website.

Top tip: find the key easily with PlastiKote spray paint
This top tip was passed on to us by a company that uses various padlocks in one area, all the same make, but with different keys. They tried using different fobs but inevitably not everyone could remember which one was which and would have to try each key until they found the right one.
Their ingenious solution was to use leftover PlastiKote spray paint in different colours to spray each lock and key to make it super easy to match them.
These are the first two they did, spraying the key whilst in the lock to make it a really quick fix! The keys can be kept on the same keyring as there’s no mistaking which key goes with which lock – genius!
This idea could be used for any set of keys. Spray the top of a key to match a front door, garage door, filing cabinet, store cupboard, etc. Even if the locks are different, it makes it easy to see which one you need. It could be particularly helpful for an elderly person who may forget which key is used for what – colour code their key to match the colour of the door.