Mirror feature pic 2

Reader project: creating a gold mirror with PlastiKote spray paint

Steph started her blog, Renovation Bay-Bee, back in 2013, after buying a ‘1960’s time warp house’ and has been posting about renovating it on a regular basis ever since. She does much of the work herself (with help from her husband of course!) and we really enjoy reading about her fabulous projects. Just look what she’s done with an old Next mirror and PlastiKote spray paint…

The mirror above the fireplace use to be black, my Mum got me it years ago from NEXT when we purchased our first house. I didn’t want to get rid of it, so we sprayed it up with PlastiKote gold leaf spray paint. It was so much cheaper than a whole new mirror, and there was nothing wrong with the old one.

Here is the mirror before. I covered the glass section with paper and stuck it down along the edges. This stops the spray paint getting under the paper and onto the mirror. Make sure it is all clean, and dust free. As you can see I placed mine onto of an old rug, and outdoors.


mirror interior 1


Use some white PlastiKote primer all over the areas you want to spray, this gives it a good base, and as it was black I wanted a true light colour to spray the gold leaf paint onto.


Mirror interior 2


Mirror interior 3


Next up use the PlastiKote gold leaf spray paint, or whatever colour you have chosen, to spray all over the mirror. I only needed one coat of this, and it went on so well. Make sure you spray lightly, evenly, and getting into all the little areas.


Mirror interior 4


Mirror interior 5


I am so pleased with the outcome, it makes the lounge brighter, and stands out  better on the dark grey wall.


Mirror feature pic 2


Mirror interior pic 7

Great job Steph. And we love your dog!  If you want to read more about Steph’s projects, just click here.